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How to Choose Your First Hunting Rifle for Any Game

July 31, 20233 min read

How to Choose Your First Hunting Rifle

for Any Game

How to choose a rifle in Lake Charles and Moss Bluff.

Choosing your first hunting rifle is exciting yet challenging. With so many different options, you might be at a loss for where to start. You may have heard that some rifles are better for smaller animals while others are more appropriate for larger ones.

But what if you haven’t decided what kind of game you want to hunt primarily? At DTS Tactical, we have come up with some useful tips to help you choose an all-purpose rifle that won’t limit the scope of your hunting pursuits right from the start. Keep reading to learn what aspects to consider when selecting your first all-purpose hunting rifle.

Make Sure the Rifle Fits

A well-fitted rifle improves accuracy, comfort, and the overall shooting experience. You should pay attention to the length of pull (LOP), which is the distance between the trigger and the butt of the stock. A comfortable LOP will help you maintain a natural and stable shooting position.

Opt for Stainless Steel and Synthetic Stock

When it comes to rifle materials, stainless steel barrels and synthetic stocks are popular choices for several reasons. Stainless steel offers excellent durability and corrosion resistance, making it ideal for hunting in various weather conditions, from a hot summer day to a cold winter evening. Synthetic stocks are lightweight and require minimal maintenance. They also offer better resistance to moisture than wooden ones.

You might like one of our rifles that features a synthetic stock, such as the Mossberg 27892 Patriot Bolt or Savage Arms Axis, to name just a few.

Choose the Right Weight

Your shooting experience will vary greatly based on the weight of your hunting rifle. While a lightweight rifle is easier to carry over long distances, a heavier one can absorb recoil and provide more stability when taking a shot.

Think about the terrain you plan to hunt in and the physical demands of your hunting style, and choose the optimal weight for your needs.

Opt for Controlled-Round-Feed (CRF) Action

Controlled-round-feed (CRF) action is renowned for its positive cartridge feeding and extraction. With CRF action, you can rely on consistent and reliable performance, even in challenging hunting situations like a charging bear.

Choose the .30-06 Springfield for Chambering

Selecting the right chambering is crucial for an all-purpose hunting rifle. The .30-06 Springfield cartridge is a versatile and popular choice, suitable for a wide range of games weighing 2 to 2,000 pounds.

At DTS Tactical, we offer a range of rifles with .30-06 Springfield cartridges, such as the Sauer 100 Classic XT.

Rifles for Young Beginners

At DTS Tactical, we also offer the 505 Youth, developed especially for young beginners. The 505 Youth includes a 12" length of pull, a shortened 20" barrel, and a magazine tube for lighter weight and improved balance.

At DTS Tactical Guns & Ammo, we offer a wide range of rifles. Our expert consultants are always happy to assist you with any questions you may have when choosing your first rifle. Contact us today for any assistance with our inventory.

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